And that was April!
I have been so busy this month! I had planned to write more blog posts and I had also prepared a little bunny keyring tutorial. Unfortunately, the Easter holidays hit and I had orders, work, kids, husband away with work and then I got ill! I was also muddling through trying to get ready for the event I was at this weekend. I was at the MumMade Market in Ware on Sunday. It was such a lovely event with around 25 stalls, all other mums with their own fabulous businesses! I really struggle at events like this because I feel it’s really hard to sell myself. I really lack confidence so in that way, it’s really important that I push myself out of my comfort zone and do more of these events! The MumMade Market was the best event I have been to with Little Luna Creations. It makes such a difference when you go to an event that is specifically aimed at your customers and they are expecting to come along and buy gifts, home decor, clothing, toys etc. rather than the school fetes and summer fayres that I’ve been to before.
I never know what will be popular when I’m selling my makes at these events and it’s all a bit of guesswork especially when a lot of my orders are personalised. It’s nice to have some products to sell, some examples of personalised work and some little bits like the key fobs, coin purses and animal pencil wraps too! Once I have made my creations, I can’t embroider names on afterwards without taking them apart. That’s why all of my personalised makes are made to order. I always stress about how much to make and take but I’ve always made enough to fill the space I have and I’m never left with stock for long!

Once I had got there and set up (with the help of my handy assistant!), I felt so much better. Getting talking to my fellow stallholders and actually meeting in person some lovely ladies that make gorgeous things that I admire on Instagram! When the customers started to come in, the nerves had gone away and I got on with it! The day went so quickly and I got some great feedback about my products as well as some great ideas on what I want to do next! I love running my business and it means such a lot to me when I get some lovely feedback on what I make. It has been a long month and it hasn’t quite gone to plan but I’m glad I can end the month feeling really positive and motivated to get back to it!
Glad that you had such a positive experience. It’s such a lovely feeling and confidence boost when you get positive feedback. :)